On The “Mommy Wars”: Calling For A Cease-Fire

End the Mommy Wars


This verse is a game changer for mommies, for it is our great equalizer.

Do you know what happens when we see a fellow believing momma’s identity as all wrapped up in the magnificence of Christ in her?

We aren’t impressed, we aren’t disgusted, we aren’t distracted by things like…

…if she breastfeeds or bottle feeds.
…if she uses disposable diapers or cloth diapers.
…if she spanks or employs time-out.
…if she sends to public school or sends to private school or homeschools.
…if she has already potty-trained or is waiting to potty-train.
…if she has kids that can read or kids that can’t read.
…if she dresses frumpy or dresses fashionably.
…if she allows hours of T.V. or allows no T.V.
…if she serves hot dogs or doesn’t serve hot dogs.
…if she works or stays at home.
…if she volunteers in the nursery or doesn’t volunteer in the nursery.
…if she schedules the baby or demand feeds.
…if she requires “Yes Sir/Ma’am, No Sir/Ma’am” or doesn’t.
…if she does all the “woman’s work” or shares the load with her husband.
…if she signs her kids up for sports or doesn’t want to.
…if she has good sleepers or anti-sleepers.

The list could go on for miles.

Mommas, the cost of participating in the “Mommy Wars” is high.  Do you know what the “Mommy Wars” are?  It’s the ground that many momma friendships die on…it’s the destructive lengths that a momma will go to so that she can award herself the “Best Mom Ever” certificate…it’s the dividing up of God’s women into winners and losers.

When I look at my precious momma friends and focus on anything but the beautiful work that Christ has and is doing in them, I forfeit fellowship…with my friend and with my King.

BUT, when I decide to know nothing else in her but Jesus and Him crucified, then I am able to see all of her good works and give praise to my Father who is in Heaven!  Then true fellowship begins!  Then the all-destructive “Mommy War” that is being waged in my heart will cease!

There is much that can separate us, mommas.  But there is One who unites us!  Jesus is our great equalizer.  He is our common ground.

To know nothing in one another but Him will result in things like disposable vs. cloth diapers, breastfeeding vs. bottle feeding, and hot dogs vs. vegetables losing their phony importance.

End the “Mommy Wars!”

What aspect of your own motherhood do you pride yourself in?

Photo credits:  here

Lauren Souers
Hi, my name is Lauren. I am the wife of one fine man and the momma of four (huge) young children – three boys and one princess! I love all of them. I mostly clean up messes and feed people all day, and it’s really fun to write about it. Jesus is the rock of my family – we love and serve a mighty King! I hope you leave here full of hope that “tired” can be good.

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