July 2013 archive

Two Extraordinary Missionary Mommies

Two Extraordinary Mommy Missionaries

Let’s be honest.  We’ve all thought it before…”I live in Mommy Prison.” Being a stay-at-home mom, especially for one with young children, is hard!  Sleep deprivation, loneliness, frustration over disobedience, unending messes and diapers…all of this plays quite a toll on a Mommy’s attitude and perspective. I personally have days in which I wake up […] Read more…

Ever Heard of the Money Plant?

Ever Heard of the Money Plant??

I have some great news…the Money Plants are blooming!  And before you all get too excited, I’m not talking about the proverbial money tree. Rather, I’m speaking of a true species of plant called the Money Plant.  I was introduced to this most wonderful of God’s plant specimens a few years ago.  A wise old […] Read more…

Hosting Your Own Yard Sale: Pricing

Hosting Your Own Yard Sale: Pricing

I would venture to guess that the number one reason people shop at yard sales is to find a great bargain.  No one expects to pay full price on ANYTHING at a yard sale, whether it’s brand new or not. So when it comes to pricing the merchandise that you have collected for your yard […] Read more…

Disney Movies: To Watch or Not to Watch?

Disney Movies: To Watch or Not to Watch?

Most of us Mommies can sing a song or two from several different Disney movies.  I know that when a Disney song gets stuck in my head, it usually accompanies happy childhood memories of princess and fairy tale movies that I watched. Some of my personal childhood favorites were “Sleeping Beauty”, “Snow White”, and “The […] Read more…