May 2015 archive

homemade almond flour title picture

Homemade Almond Flour

If you’ve never seen the movie “Stranger than Fiction”, then you might not appreciate this picture…   In this scene, Will Ferrell’s character is giving Maggie Gyllenhaal, a woman he’s auditing (and falling in love with), a bouquet of flours.  She owns a bakery, so it makes sense, and it’s adorable. And it made me […] Read more…


Playground Talk

We will never know much about each other. We probably won’t even learn each other’s names…if we still even have a name other than ______’s Mommy. But in those 5 or 10 minutes that we are thrown together at the Chick-Fil-A playground, or in the pediatrician’s waiting room, or watching through the mesh as our children jump around […] Read more…

cutting the cost of babies title

Cutting the Cost of Having Babies

  So, you’re pregnant. Congratulations! If you’re anything like me, then you have this wonderful sense of excitement about your new bundle of joy, followed by nervousness and fear of how much it will cost to have a baby. “Wait, don’t you have insurance?” Is the question I usually get. Yes. Yes, I do have […] Read more…