September 2016 archive


Tips To Conquering The Threenager Years: Part 1

I am the proud mother of a wonderful loving threenager. What’s that you say?  Oh, well let me inform you. A threenager is basically a living Sour Patch kid.  One minute, they are laying on the concrete screaming and next playing happily with their siblings.  They are demanding crustless bread and skinless apples in fun shapes, […] Read more…


The 5 Levels Of A Toddler Meltdown

Emotionally speaking, toddlers make 13-year-old girls seem like rock-solid titans of reason.  My own 3-year-old has been “set off” by something as seemingly not-big-deal-ish as finishing her sucker, her shoes being too “match-y” and – my personal favorite – her blanket lovey not being smelly enough. I am now knee-deep in my 3rd toddler, with a 4th following […] Read more…