Homeschooling Activities for Preschoolers: What’s Missing?

Homeschooling Activities for Preschoolers:  What's Missing?

Our curious little toddlers have a much more powerful mind than we often give them credit for!  Did you know that a preschooler is capable of learning several languages at one time, simply by listening?  I know that ship sailed for me a long time ago!

So when it comes to games that stretch and challenge your toddler’s memory, they may surprise you at how easily it comes for them!

This particular game is fun, involves toys and silly voices, and exercises the memory of your precious preschooler.  Developing your child’s memory now, at such an early age, can set them up for all sorts of beneficial skills later…Scripture memory, memorizing lines for those adorable school plays, even memorizing their own marriage vows one day!  (not ready for that last one!)

So while playing this game with your child, prepare to be amazed at just how competent their memory is, and remember that you are setting them up for future success!

What’s Missing?

What You Need:

  • At least five sets of three objects each.  The objects in each set should all have something to do with each other.  For example:
  • Set One:  a fork, a knife, and a spoon
  • Set Two:  a green ball, a blue ball, and a red ball
  • Set Three:  a car, a fire truck, and a tractor
  • Set Four:  a tennis ball, a football, and a basketball
  • Set Five:  floss, a toothbrush, and toothpaste


  1. On the floor or on a low table, place one set of items in a row.  Set all other items aside in a large container.

How to Play:

  1. Bring in your child.  Show him the set of objects on the floor, and explain to him that you’re going to have some fun playing a game with different toys.
  2. Have him say out loud what he sees in front of him.  I recommend having him say it two or three times, perhaps in a different funny way each time.  You could have him yell what he sees, whisper what he sees, then sing what he sees!  Whatever it takes to get those objects permanently fixed in his brain!
    Homeschooling Activities for Preschoolers:  What's Missing?

    “Ok, Rudy, what three things do you see on the table?”


  3. Then tell your child to close his eyes.  Since they are completely unreliable in this area, 🙂  I usually hold my hand over Rudy’s eyes, or just have him turn around.  When you’re positive that he’s not looking, quickly swipe one of the objects out of the set.
    Homeschooling Activities for Preschoolers:  What's Missing?

    I helped him cover his eyes, just to make sure there wasn’t any cheating going on 🙂


  4. When he turns around, announce that one object is gone!  (A shocked, dismayed, and overly dramatic voice is a good one to use at this time!).
  5. Have your child say out loud the objects that are still there, and then ask the BIG QUESTION:  Which one is gone???Homeschooling Activities for Preschoolers:  What's Missing?
  6. If he gets it right…quickly whisk out the hidden item and congratulate him on being quite the detective!  If he struggles, give him little hints and clues until he remembers.
    Homeschooling Activities for Preschoolers:  What's Missing?

    The toothpaste was missing!


  7. Repeat the same process and shenanigans with the remaining sets.

This has been one of Rudy’s favorite games!  Between the toys, funny voices and silly dramatizations, he doesn’t even realize that he’s working…it’s play to him!

Our toddler children are amazing, teachable individuals!  Their capacity to learn is truly extraordinary, and I hope that this game has been one way for you to experience your child’s learning potential.

Lauren Souers
Hi, my name is Lauren. I am the wife of one fine man and the momma of four (huge) young children – three boys and one princess! I love all of them. I mostly clean up messes and feed people all day, and it’s really fun to write about it. Jesus is the rock of my family – we love and serve a mighty King! I hope you leave here full of hope that “tired” can be good.

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