How Are You, Momma?

Mom working in kitchen

As marvelous and chaotic and full-of-surprises motherhood is, it is also a time of life that seems to be quite…secretive.  All of that excitement centered around the monumental task of raising little ones…and for the most part, no one is around to see it.

The secrets and privacy of motherhood are part of what makes those stay-at-home little years so special and bonding…it’s just you and the kids.  No one knows exactly what it’s like, exactly what goes on in your home, exactly how you feel…except you and the kids.

And a billion other mommas who are doing the exact same thing and feeling the exact same way.

So, as a young mother myself in the throes of blow-outs, picky eaters, separation anxiety, and  toddler sass…How Are You, Momma?

Are you tired, momma?

Is the physical demand of running a home and raising little ones overwhelming?  Are your arms and your back so exhausted – from carrying groceries and baskets of wet laundry, from pushing strollers and pulling wagons, from lifting children into buggies, car seats, and high chairs – that your kids’ bedtime signals your complete collapse?  Are you so sleep deprived that driving sometimes seems dangerous, showering and brushing your teeth aren’t worth the valuable time that they steal from potential sleep, and rational and coherent thoughts escape you?

We’ve all been there.

“The Lord is my strength
(For I have none of my own!  He shines because I am weak!)
and my song;
(My arms and my back may be weary, but my heart doesn’t have to be.)
He has become my salvation.”
(I am saved from the despair of trying.  He is my “enough.”)
Psalm 118:14

Are you lonely, momma?

Are the walls of your home declaring you a prisoner?  Do you long for the slightest look of care or question of concern over your own well-being, even from a total stranger at the grocery store?  Even in the midst of long days filled with the non-stop chaos, interaction, teaching, and nurturing of little ones…do you still just feel lonely?  Does it hurt when an entire day – or even week – goes by and there have been no friendly phone calls or drop-overs?

We’ve all been there.

“For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear,
(God is not the giver of loneliness.  What fear is taking residence in my heart that would declare me lonely?)
but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons,
(I belong! I belong! I belong!  My fear and mourning have been replaced with the joy and confidence that comes with being chosen.)
by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!”
(Daddy!  My Father whom I trust!  And if I trust You, then I  trust Your plan for me.)
Romans 8:15

Are you angry, momma?

Does an unexpected mess leave you frazzled?  Does running late, chasing runaway toddlers, throwing away uneaten food, cleaning and re-cleaning the floors, and disciplining for the thousandth time over the same issue steal your joy and fill you with frustration?  Do you dip your toes into bitterness when your young children publicly humiliate and defy you?  Have the things about your toddler that once charmed you and filled you with funny memories now become a source of mommy anger?

We’ve all been there.

“Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling
(And falling head first into an attitude that causes great destruction to my home.)
and to present you blameless before presence of His glory with great joy,
(How incredible that a sinful momma brimming with anger can be “presented blameless!”)
to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever.”
(Acknowledging the true God’s all-deserving right for receiving respect quenches my anger for not receiving it myself.)
Jude 1: 24-25

Are you bored, momma?

Do you feel out of the loop in every conceivable arena of life outside your home?  Do you want more interaction with people your age than the bi-monthly play date at the park?  Do you have a deep desire to talk about something other than your kids’ poop patterns, sleep habits, frequency and amount of spit-up, and how often you attempt to cut their fingernails?  Do you miss your freedom and then feel shame at the thought?

We’ve all been there.

“I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound.
(I can be gracious in the face of boredom or thrill, mundane or marvelous, repetition or spontaneity.)
In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.
(No matter the circumstance, there is a means provided that allows me to face the best or the worst.)
I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.”
(With the Spirit of the holy and magnificent Christ dwelling in me, even my trials and my boredom will not overtake my joy.)
Philippians 4:12-13

Are you satisfied, momma?

Do you see the Lord’s plan – one in which you are where you are and you have what you have – as perfect and beautiful?  Is your heart grieved at the sight of your children’s sin but filled with joy at the understanding of the love that King Jesus has for them?  Can you rejoice in your work – every pile of laundry, every sink full of dishes, every dirty diaper, every grocery list – knowing that it is the platform that God has placed you on to most loudly proclaim His magnificence?  Are you able to bring your exhaustion, your loneliness, your anger, and your boredom to the feet of Jesus and trust Him for peace and contentment?

May we all be there, mommas.

“Whom have I in heaven but you?
And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you.
My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever”
Psalm 73:25-26

Motherhood is 100% about Jesus, which makes it 100% more enjoyable.  🙂  Enjoy it, ladies.

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I Need A Drink
Habakkuk For Mommies
The Good ‘Ol Days Are Right Now
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Photo credits for header:  here

Lauren Souers
Hi, my name is Lauren. I am the wife of one fine man and the momma of four (huge) young children – three boys and one princess! I love all of them. I mostly clean up messes and feed people all day, and it’s really fun to write about it. Jesus is the rock of my family – we love and serve a mighty King! I hope you leave here full of hope that “tired” can be good.

2 Comments on How Are You, Momma?

  1. Jennie
    April 13, 2015 at 2:59 pm (9 years ago)

    Thank you for this encouragement!!

    • Lauren Souers
      April 14, 2015 at 1:27 pm (9 years ago)

      Hi Jennie! Glad you were encouraged 🙂


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