Mediocre Ever After??

The sky is the limit

There’s a lot of daydreaming that mommas do.

…What if I started exercising again??

…What if my children learned another language??

…What if we had this awesome, totally inspiring family motto that I hand-stitched and hung above our front door??

I fill a good bit of my “free time” (ha!) with daydreams…I think about them while I’m washing dishes, or while I’m driving around in my minivan, or while I’m watching my kids play.  It’s always fun to imagine what the future might hold for my family and me.


And they all lived happily ever after.

More like…”I lived mediocre ever after.”

Those dreams, while fine and dandy, are missing so much!  How is my imagination limited to what I can accomplish??  Is the best I can dream up for my life and my kids’ life something that I try to make happen with my own two hands??

“Only one life,
Twill soo
n be past.
Only what’s done for Christ
will last.”
– C.T. Studd

I carry inside of me the Holy Spirit…the very Spirit who searches the mind and person of God.  I have a relationship and belong to the Creator of all things.

My dreams should reflect not who I am, but Who I know.

When it comes to what my King can accomplish – even through me, a mommy – the sky is the limit.

We are mommies…often our time is spent on our little plot of land inside our little house among our little people.  Our life may feel small, but God has BIG plans.

It’s time to dream about what God may have in store for us…how He may use us…what He could do if we would give Him everything.
(Is anyone else starting to hear “Let It Go” play in the background?)  🙂

What Could God Do…

…if my first reaction to anything was to ask the Lord what He thought?

…if I spent less time worrying and more time being thankful?

…if I spent a minute in the parking lot praying for every encounter I may have while I’m shopping at Wal-Mart?  if I asked Him to use me to encourage at least one stranger?

…if I stopped what I was doing – no matter what! – when my husband got home from work and gave him my undivided attention?

…if I talked less about myself and asked more about others?

…if I was the first one to apologize?

…if I truly began praying for and attacking my sin? 

…if my children were captivated by the sacrifice of missionaries even more than they were by animated superheroes?

…if I literally and physically prayed on my knees in the mornings, fervently asking the Lord to change the hearts of my children?

…if I lived like I believed every word of Scripture?

…if I sang hymns more often than I sang anything else?

…if I invited over the “difficult” neighborhood children to play with my own kids?

What could God do if I became so unsatisfied with my current “comfort zone” that I threw off “everything that hinders” and truly began to run hard, to dig deep, and to let go??  What could He accomplish through me?

Motherhood is more than surviving.  It is more than a chaotic no-man’s land that we must pass through before we are ourselves again.

Rather, motherhood is meant to change everything – us and those around us – if we let go of our comfortable “normal.”

“Then Jesus told His disciples, ‘If anyone would come
after Me, let him deny himself and take up his
cross and follow Me.'”  Matthew 16:24

I’ve been pretty good about picking up little splinter-sized pieces of the cross and carrying them in my purse.

I want to carry more!  I want to dream holy daydreams.

What could God do with you?
Lauren Souers
Hi, my name is Lauren. I am the wife of one fine man and the momma of four (huge) young children – three boys and one princess! I love all of them. I mostly clean up messes and feed people all day, and it’s really fun to write about it. Jesus is the rock of my family – we love and serve a mighty King! I hope you leave here full of hope that “tired” can be good.

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