Archive of ‘Wife & Mother’ category

Little boy on a hike

Loving God Leads To Great Adventure

There is no denying the God-given boyishness that has been planted inside the hearts of our sons. He designed boys with a hunger for adventure, for leadership, and for finding out what they are made of. As parents, we see these desires play out daily in our sons. They are constantly going to battle against […] Read more…

Mom working in kitchen

How Are You, Momma?

As marvelous and chaotic and full-of-surprises motherhood is, it is also a time of life that seems to be quite…secretive.  All of that excitement centered around the monumental task of raising little ones…and for the most part, no one is around to see it. The secrets and privacy of motherhood are part of what makes […] Read more…

Spilled milk

Regrets That I Will NEVER Have…

When my parenting journey comes to a close, when I have seen all of my children off to adulthood, when it is quiet in my house… …what will my memories consist of? Decades of child-rearing is sure to produce a fair amount of ugly and beautiful moments, of wins and losses, of absurd and mundane matters. […] Read more…

End the Mommy Wars

On The “Mommy Wars”: Calling For A Cease-Fire

“BUT I DETERMINED TO KNOW NOTHING AMONG YOU BUT CHRIST AND HIM CRUCIFIED…”  I CORINTHIANS 2:2 This verse is a game changer for mommies, for it is our great equalizer. Do you know what happens when we see a fellow believing momma’s identity as all wrapped up in the magnificence of Christ in her? We aren’t impressed, we aren’t disgusted, […] Read more…

Cassette tape

Mommy’s Voice Tape

I eavesdropped the other day. In a good way, of course.  🙂 I overheard a sweet momma friend from my church sharing a really neat idea with another mom.  So I did the only thing I could do…I pretended to be going through my purse and I sort of, well, overheard their conversation. And this […] Read more…

Encouragement For Busy Housewives and Mommies

One Disheveled Momma

Call it a rut…a motherhood valley…a bad tired…any of those sum me up pretty accurately. I am pregnant for the 4th time – happily, by the way – and I feel like…well, like I’ve lost my marbles.  And all of my metabolism.  And the ability to do much more than keep the children in my […] Read more…

Have A Merry Christmas

Your Christmas Present

I’ve put together a little something for you. Something funny. Merry Christmas! The Most Hilarious Things That My 5-Year-Old Said This Year “Santa Claus is a really nice man who throws presents down people’s chimneys and then flies back to Heaven.” “If I kill a monster, can we cut it open and eat its meat?” “Boys […] Read more…

Kids Change Everything

Then & Now: Kids Change Everything

Since having kids, I cry more, laugh more, deal with anger more, and love more than I ever previously have. Our little bundles of joy – and energy – really do change everything.  They’re supposed to! They also have single-handedly shifted the meanings of my words into another realm.  Into Motherhood Realm. This means that […] Read more…

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